Closed-cell spraying systems

We manufacture 3 types of systems of a closed-cell structure 

Ultrapol RG 03/35 – a system for insulation of walls and ceilings

Ultrapol RG 05/45 – a system for insulation of floors under concrete screed and foundations

Ultrapol RG 05/55 – a system for insulation of ceilings from external side 

Ultrapol RG 03/35 is manufactured in accordance with harmonised standard PN-EN 14315-1 and has PZH certification and CE mark. 

When designing and testing systems of closed-cell structure, we put special emphasis on the stability of dimensions in various range of temperatures. This ensures that our foams have very good resistance to shrinkage. This has been appreciated by leading companies that spray closed-cell foams. 

Ultrapol RG 03/35 is packed in 200 litre steel barrels in the following sets: 225 kg of ingredient A and 250 kg of ingredient B, or in plastic IBC containers in sets of 1,000 kg of ingredient A and 1,100 kg of ingredient B

Performance of a set packed in a barrel, with maintenance of the technological regime, is 10-11 m3 

The goods are shipped the same day if we receive an order until 11 am, and on the next day if we receive it after 11am. 

The following section contains a short summary of data regarding Ultrapol RG 03/35 foam. For more details see “download” tab

 Essential characteristics


 Technical specification

 Reaction to fire

 E class

 PN-EN 14315-1

 Heat conductivity, λ

 λm = 0.021 W/mK

 λ90.90 = 0.022 W/mK

 PN-EN 14315-1

 Declared value of the heat conductivity factor, taking into account the aging effect, λD depending on nominal thickness dN

 for a foam diffusively opened from one side:

 for dN<40mm

 λD=0.028 W/mK

 for 40mm≤dN<60mm   λD = 0.027 W/mK

 for dN≥60 mm

 λD = 0.026 W/mK

 for a foam diffusively opened from both sides:

 for dN<80mm

 λD=0.028 W/mK

 for 80mm≤dN<120mm   λD = 0.027 W/mK

 for dN≥120 mm

 λD = 0.026 W/mK

 PN-EN 14315-1

 Momentary absorbability of water at partial immersion

 Wp < 0.23 kg/m2

 PN-EN 14315-1

 Water vapour diffusion resistance factor

 µ > 35


 PN-EN 14315-1

 Compressive strength at relative deformation 10%

 σ10>200 kPa

 C5(10 Y)200

 PN-EN 14315-1

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